Monday, February 23, 2009

Teachers Union Anti-War Resolution

Teachers Urged to Oppose Escalation in Afghanistan; Unemployment Insurance for Part-timers

by Mike Tolochko

The New York State United Teachers [NYSUT] is a labor organization of all the teachers and educational professional staffs in New York State. The group represents over 450,000 members. They come from every corner of the very diverse world of New York State. The very rural areas of Western and the northern tier of New York State. Plattsburgh, which is close to Montreal; Buffalo, which is close to Toronto; all the way down to New York City and Long Island. This year's meeting will be taking place in Buffalo, NY, April 2-3, 2009

This year the combined strength of the full organization is fighting against the cutbacks that are being proposed. NYSUT has held many demonstrations in Albany, NY to express their rage.

Here are a couple of resolutions that will be proposed.

Proposed Resolution #2 Oppose Escalation of the War in Afghanistan is being submitted by the Professional Staff Congress from the City University of New York. The resolution draws attention to previous passed resolutions:

"Whereas, NYSUT, at its 2008 Representative Assembly, and the AFT at its 2008 Convention, affirmed a resolution entitled, "Against the Current U.S. Policy of Permanent and Preemptive War," which stated that 'the war on error' is an ideological construct that observes the real reasons for the war-which include control over wealth and resources.'"

The resolution cites the importance of Afghanistan's oil and natural gas and the strategic location of these reserves. The resolution also cites the New Administration desire to increase the number of troops being sent. The resolution then says, "Resolved that NYSUT opposes escalation of the war in Afghanistan and communicate to the NY State congressional delegation its opposition to the proposed escalation of the war and to the opening of additional fronts of the way." And, then the PSC class for "NYSUT participate in revitalizing the anti-war movement."

Extend Unemployment Insurance Rights

This resolution [#31] focuses on the rights of part-time and contingent workers. CUNY has been hiring more and more part-time teachers, as has been the pattern across the countries in all colleges and universities. This resolution calls on NYSUT to push for unemployment insurance for part-time instructors.