So if your policies were made public your racism would be seen. The solution: keep your policies secret. How do you do that. You get Congress and state legislatures to pass laws allowing companies to keep private information that they think will put them at a competitive disadvantage in the free market (i.e., the free to discriminate against black people and other minorities market). And how do you do that?
You lobby Democrat and Republican lawmakers and contribute money to their campaigns (you bribe them). Elementary civics, and the reason civics class is being discontinued in high school. This is how institutional racism works and is perpetuated by our two capitalist parties and corrupt political system.
And it will continue at full steam under Republicans (Trump and his successors and followers) and toned down but not stopped under Democrats (Biden and the so called moderates grouped around the likes of Obama and Clinton) and won't stop until the leaders of the working class finally rally working people to stand up to these racists and renounce both racist parties and build a real anti-racist working class movement and socialist mass party. It won't be easy and it won't be quick but we have to quit turning the crank on the generator which keeps the capitalist racism breathing on its two party ventilator.
If we don't pull the plug who will? What were we told long ago? We have only our chains to lose. Well, let's take'm off and lose'm.