Tuesday, July 14, 2020

World Socialist Movement Needs Unity

"The party’s successes against security forces and its redistribution of land, coupled with its fierce resistance to big mining companies, has won support among deprived and alienated sections of society." Unfortunately the Maoists have an antagonistic contradiction with our comrades in the CPI-M when it should be the case that all parties fighting under the banners of Marxism-Leninism at most should have only non-antagonistic contradictions and be able to resolve them and to cooperate in the overthrow of capitalism. Just such antagonistic contradictions in the past between the USSR and PRC destroyed the unity of the world Communist and Workers Parties and allowed US Imperialism and it allies to become, for the time being, the dominant hegemonic world power. The two Communist Parties in Nepal, originally hostile, resolved their contradictions in a comradely fashion, merged, and now rule in that country. I hope this is a lesson learned by others: unity of the revolutionary forces and their allies, not sectarian bickering and hostility, is the road to victory victory.
Steve SweeneyMonday, July 13, 2020 Indian Maoists destroy government ‘guest house’ in forest as mining operations seek to expand A Naxalite rally × This is the last article you can read this month You can read more article this month You can read more articles this month Sorry your limit is up ...

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