If the Uighurs are being persecuted that is certainly bad and against the principles of Marxism-Leninism subscribed to by the CPC. However, the evidence that this kind of persecution is actually going on has to to be stronger than guesswork and speculation and outrageous propaganda outbursts especially since the US (and therefore its satellites in NATO and EU) has taken the position that China is an adversary and is drumming up a new American sponsored Cold War to justify confrontations and increased military spending.
The Guardian's You Tube video shows Chinese police transferring some prisoners. That is all it shows. However the Guardian tells us they "appear to be" Uighurs and Muslims (but then they might not be). They also “ believe” the video was made in Xinjiang a year ago, but they don’t really know as the video was posted anonymously on You Tube. On the basis of this video and other speculations the Labour Party shadow foreign minister concluded that China was engaged in “genocide”— a term that even the Tory government is hesitant to use. Labour is still a trusted US ally.
It is true that there was a terrorist movement in Xinjiang and militants were organizing an Islamic jihad movement and killing civilians and the Chinese have responded in a way they claim is correct and proper and is an internal affair of the Chinese people. The US and its supporters claim the crackdown is disproportionate. Their own responses to “militant Islam” (Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Yemen, etc) seem to belie
any genuine concern for the welfare of the Uighurs let alone any belief in “human rights.” Again I stress, if the Uighurs, or any group, is being persecuted then that is wrong and should be halted. My only concern is that the evidence coming from US government propaganda and the MSM is uniformly based on speculation, innuendo, and anti-Chinese sentiments and should not be taken as gospel.
any genuine concern for the welfare of the Uighurs let alone any belief in “human rights.” Again I stress, if the Uighurs, or any group, is being persecuted then that is wrong and should be halted. My only concern is that the evidence coming from US government propaganda and the MSM is uniformly based on speculation, innuendo, and anti-Chinese sentiments and should not be taken as gospel.
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