"The doctors in Munich were increasingly frustrated and confused by the World Health Organization. First, the group wrongly credited the Chinese government with alerting the German authorities to the first infection. Government officials and doctors say the auto parts company itself sounded the alarm." So, the Munich scientists were the first to alert the world of the real dangers of a mass plague and they were ignored and even reviled by the W.H.O. and the C.D.C. and most Western Health officials and thus the plague took root and became worldwide.
Meanwhile the Chinese had recognised what was going on and alerted the rest of the world to what, if the Munich team had been listened to, could have been an early response saving millions of lives. The Chinese made public their findings after, like everyone else, they wanted to be scientifically sure about what was going on with this new and unknown disease.
Trump and the other phoney politicians are blaming China for the plagues spread when they themselves ignored the findings of the German scientists who had first made this discovery and still ignore the C.D.C. and W.H.O. who have belatedly recognized their errors. The West finally, after the Chinese blew the whistle independently, awoke to the truth of the Munich teams findings.
Trump blames the Chinese for a "cover up" when he and his followers still cover up all the science behind preventing the spread of the disease and are literally causing thousands of deaths in this country. The pestilence of Trumpism is as bad as the plague itself and is an ally of this disease as it spreads -- he is the U.S. equivalent of Bolsonaro in Brazil and a shameful embarrassment to our country.
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