Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Road to War with China

The right is ginning up the American people for a racist and aggressive US policy towards China. The real reason isn't gone into in detail here but FAIR is right to to alert us as to the role of the MSM in pushing this bipartisan line. They are pushing for Biden to join with Trump in attacking China and progressives have to push back and demand Biden pursue non hostile policies with both China and Russia. The real reason for attacking China is that the ruling class sees itself being economically losing out to China's competitiveness in the world market. The world capitalist system brought about two world wars last century over just such economic competitions and the US has decided to go down that road one more time since it cannot maintain its current dominant position by peaceful means. This process will be slower under Biden and we may be able to reverse it but another Republican victory in November will speed up the hostility and threaten the whole world with a possible nuclear war.

Corporate media present China as a hostile power that needs to be kept in check.

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