Sunday, May 10, 2020

Draft Bernie

"Policy errors in the coming weeks could turn the 18 million temporary layoffs recorded in April into permanent job losses that could plunge the United States into a deep and protracted recession unrivaled in recent history. Yet the federal government is lurching away from the strategy that has thus far helped slow the spread of the coronavirus and sustain people and companies struggling during the self-inflicted economic shutdown." The ruling class can't rule properly. The capitalist system 
  is breaking down and needs to be supported by the state, all we need now is for the working class to realize the a different system is needed. There is no FDR on the horizon who can reform and modify the system so that it is more worker friendly -- or is there? Short of an actual socialist revolution, which is unlikely at this time, Bernie Sander's program for a "political revolution" [actually a major reformist program] is the next best thing and seemingly the only solution to prevent an apocalyptic disaster from enfolding and destroying the lives of tens of millions of working people as the current capitalist regime can offer them only permanent and unsustainable unemployment and/or the ravages of the current plague as it renews its strength due to a premature reopening of the country. Serious consideration should be given, perhaps, by the progressive movement's leaders to launching a "Draft Bernie" movement to convince the people and the Democratic Party that a Bernie Sanders presidency is the only short term solution to the current crisis and the prerequisite for finding a permanent solution. It's obvious Biden is not up to the task and sticking with him will be like taking a cruise on the RMS Titanic.
The United States just lost 20 million jobs. The wrong federal response could make those layoffs a permanent fixture of the U.S. economy and sentence thousands of companies to bankruptcy.

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