Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Lies, Republicans, and Covid-19

The Republicans reject science and falsify the data to justify reopening before it is safe to do so. Workers want to get back to work because they need money to live on and the capitalists want them back because they need the surplus value they create to make their profits. The state always sides, eventually, with the capitalists and by refusing to enact emergency funding for working people and by allowing the unemployment insurance system to virtually breakdown, and by lying about the safety of premature reopening it is forcing the workers back under capitalist control (they are fired without benefits if they refuse to go back to their jobs). The death of workers due to Covid-19 is of no concern to the ruling class 
  as we have a reserve army of the unemployed from which new workers can be hired to replace any who die off or get too sick to work. Any conflict between the interests of profit and capital accumulation versus the health and welfare of the people is always resolved in favor of the former not the latter under capitalism. A further consideration is that the majority of deaths are among the elderly (nonproductive), the poor, and racially oppressed minorities, groups of no concern to the politicians of the Republican Party. This party of death and profits before life and well being must be absolutely repudiated in the November elections as a first step in the great refusal to continue to accept the present system of economic injustice and faux democracy.
Dr Rebekah Jones says she was fired from Department of Health by the governor after protesting order to censor information

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