Saturday, September 18, 2021

Pentagon's Tragic Mistake!

 Tragic mistake indeed. This is par for the course with US drone strikes. The Pentagon spent a week trying to justify this "mistake." The only reason we know about it is these idiots did it in Kabul in front of the press. Thousands of civilians have been killed in the mountains and villages of Afghanistan out of sight of the NYT. We alienated the population outside the occupied cities slaughtering peasants just as we did in Vietnam. These Nazi tactics never work in the long run but they are the only ones the US knows how to use since people don't like hostile armies in their countries. Biden voted for this war when he was in the Senate and he has learned nothing in the meantime as his current foreign policy is an aggressive one towards, Cuba, Russia, Iran, China, etc., and is supportive of dictators around the world who kowtow to American interests. Trumpism with a "human" face.



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