Thursday, August 26, 2021

Unauthorized Visit to Afghanistan

 The very idea that our elected representatives should need "authorization" to go to Afghanistan and investigate for themselves what the administration is up to ( it is known to lie to the American people about its doings -- as all administrations do) is an outrageous anti-democratic attack on the American people's right to know (Pelosi should resign from the House for supporting Biden on this). This is, at least, the ideal of our democracy. In reality of course, we live in an anti-working class bourgeois semi-democracy controlled by the 1% and that's who is ultimately represented by the members of the House so it doesn't matter what our elected representatives find out over in Afghanistan as the ruling class has already made all the major decisions. Nevertheless, since we are demanding a real people's democracy led by the working class and its allies, we should stand up for the principle of the right of elected representatives to go and do as they choose to find out the truth. This is a principle to support even though we won't (with few exceptions) have real elected people's representatives until the overthrow of bourgeoise rule and the establishment of a people's state.

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