Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Climate Change Moves Up in United Nations General Assembly Meeting

by Mike Tolochko


Sixty-second Session on Climate Control formerly known as Global Warming; 11-12 February 2008

The year of the UN special attention the crisis of Global Warming, now called Climate Change, moved to a new level within the administrative and political hierarchy of the United Nations.

The session is called: Thematic debate entitled "Addressing climate change: the United Nations and the world at work."

The session was held in the General Assembly Hall

This two day session was the first United Nations major meeting since the 2007 International Conference in Bali.

After major introductory remarks from UN Leaders each country took the podium to express their viewpoints.

The main thoughts included:

The need to maintain sustainable development in the era of climate change; Developing countries struck that theme; including, Morocco, Egypt and even Italy. The Moroccan speaker drew special attention to the continent of Africa and its determination to develop. Egypt called special attention to the area of southern Mediterranean.

The following climate change issues were discussed. They represent the jargon of period. The are:

Prevention; Mitigation; Adaptation; Technical Development and Transfers; Financial Investments; Promote Education; and Capacity Development.

Major Date for Report

Speakers made particular focus on the upcoming major United Nations Report on Climate Change which will be due in 2009.

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