Sunday, September 8, 2019

Hong Kong Protests &The NYT

This whole article is nothing but speculation and guessing by so called "experts" based outside of mainland China. The best part of it are the quotes by Hong Kong's leader which were leaked to the press and reveal she has a realistic sense of what is going on and both she and the central government are trying to avoid exacerbating the situation. There is no reference whatsoever in the article to any reactionary forces or outside interference in the protests or the fact that the vast majority of protesters are acting peacefully within the the law and only a small group of students, mostly of middle and high school age, is resorting to violence trying to provoke the police to over react. It is this small segment of the protests that is getting all the attention in the western MSM who would love to see a crackdown by the Beijing authorities so that they can resurrect their anti-Chinese memes that were created around Tiananmen Square and their overblown misrepresentations of what happened then.
Beijing’s halting response to the protests in Hong Kong has raised questions about President Xi Jinping’s imperious style and authoritarian policies.

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