Is RT reliable? It reflects the point of view of the Russian "Establishment' [RE] in the same way as the US media reflects the point of view of the US "Establishment" [USE]. On the issue of Venezuela, the RE supports non-intervention as it sees no way that it could benefit from the downfall of the present government. The USE wants to get rid of the present government because it sees many benefits to itself in regards to the direct exploitation of natural resources in the country.So, if there is a scale of 0 to 100, 0 being no benefit and 100 being fabulously great riches and power now at your disposal whether you trust the reporting of RT or the US media will be determined by where on that scale you find yourself (or you might think you would find yourself) plus your own value system when it's working. Since I find myself at 0 on the scale and I don't believe in war and killing people by my government just because the people who run it find themselves at 100 on the scale, I find RT, on this issue, more reliable than the mass media in the US. Most people are influenced by the mass media e.g., most Germans in 1938 supported their government's worldview on foreign issues, as do most Americans today (even with an idiosyncratic and perhaps mentally unstable president upsetting the bipartisan consensus) and that's why RT's slogan "QUESTION MORE" is better than that of the New York Times which implies it has done your thinking for you since it gives you "ALL THE NEWS THAT'S FIT TO PRINT."
‘Direct nexus between US sanctions & death’ – UN rapporteur slams ‘economic war’ on VenezuelaThe US is waging “economic war” against Venezuela and engaging in a coordinated effort to “demonize” President Nicolas Maduro, believes UN rapporteur to Venezuela and expert on international law Alfred de Zayas.
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