Saturday, February 2, 2019

Columbus Brings Christian Civilization to the New World

"The implications of the study go beyond climate science and also contribute to research in geography and history, Maslin [co-author of the study] said, noting that deaths of indigenous Americans directly contributed to the success of the European economy." The mass genocide [continuing in the Amazon to this day] of native Americans (56 million) is the foundation on which our present-day Capitalist (especially its American form) system rests. "Make America Great Again" is the outgrowth of the worst forms of this genocide which also produced modern forms of slavery, colonialism, and the warfare state the US has become with its pseudo-democracy and disdain for the peoples of the Third World whom it indiscriminately kills on a daily basis to feed its arms industry and thirst for world hegemony.
University College London researchers estimate that settlers killed 56 million indigenous people, causing farmland to be reforested. That increase in vegetation resulted in a massive decrease in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

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