Sunday, February 4, 2018

FBI Should be Disbanded

Thomas Riggins
A bull in a china shop breaks Ming vases as well as cheap reproductions, so let's look a little closer at this "Pillar of Society." The FBI and law enforcement have been used for two purposes by the state -- to fight common criminals and organised crime on the one hand, and for the political repression of the left and the union movement on the other. It still invariably comes out to arrest, disperse, and sometimes kill demonstrators and strikers when they represent people's movements against corporations or repressive governmental actions especially when civil righs or peace are issues. The FBI has even tried to frame peace activists and civil rights leaders. Trigger happy local law enforcement shoots down minority people with impunity. Trump's motives are certainly not progressive but he is getting a taste of how this Pillar of Society can be turned against anyone the ruling class considers a threat to its dominance and his fluke election and the unpredictability of his actions along with his personal penchant to get along with the Russians and Chinese rather the wholeheartedly support the reactivation of the Cold War outweighs his value to them. Whatever the NYT and its ruling class backers say, it's time this Pillar of Society was completely destroyed and built anew from the ground up.
President Trump has raised fears that he is tearing at the credibility of some of the most important institutions in American life to save himself.

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