Thursday, February 8, 2018

Evolution: Education versus Ignorance

Thomas Riggins
A very interesting report that has lessons for the Left. The more people actually understand the principles of how evolution works the more likely they will accept it. This is an ignorance vs knowledge issue and involves, with adults at least, opening a closed mind to an understanding of reason, logic and scientific method. Now, capitalist ideology forsters Trumpism, racism, sexism, etc., and thrives on ignorance and closed minds and therefore favors a public educational system that fosters these ideals. It is a moral crime against children to fill their brains with anti-evolution (hence anti-science) concepts thus closing them off to reason and preconditioning them to accept the prevailing racist/sexist ideology of U.S. Imperialism. Our educational system is full of science "teachers" who are undereducated creationists that the state allows to be certified to teach children. One of the major tasks of the Left is to prevent the certification of these anti-teachers in the first place and to have those already in place reeducated or removed from their positions. Private schools teaching antievolution must be outlawed as the state guarantees free public education not anti-education to children.Teacher's unions should lead in this struggle and purge themselves of the anti-educators in their ranks. Getting control of local school boards should be a priority of the Left. These measures will be fought against with maximum ferocity by the right wing as, in the words of Spinoza: ''Such persons know that, with the removal of ignorance, the wonder which forms their only available means for proving and preserving their authority would vanish also."*
*Ethics, Bk I, Appendix
Prevailing theories about evolution state that belief in the concept is tied only to a person's politics or religion. But according to new research, whether Americans accept or reject the subject also…

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