The police work for the state and (in theory) for the people. They claim they Serve and Protect. The organized police lobbies (pretending to be a unions) make demands and acts as if they can defy the state that pays them and dismiss the welfare of the public when it suits them. We know many of the departments and unions have been infiltrated by white supremacist and fascist groups which have ideologies that support anti-science and police state views. The state vaccination mandates are based on science and promote the general health and well being of the American people. Those police who refuse to follow the lawful orders of the state in this regard ( i.e., who engage in mutiny) should be summarily dismissed. If a shortage of police protection results the state should call for, and screen, a popular people's militia to replace them re street patrols. This would involve paying the citizens of the local communities in which they live for policing themselves and democratically selecting the militia officers to carry out the policing function. This is what would be done by any progressive democratically elected progressive local or state government faced with a police mutiny. This is what the people should demand and demand of their elected representatives and what the CCDS, CPUSA, DSA, PSL, WWP and all other groups claiming to be socialist should demand.
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