Sunday, September 20, 2020

Nationalize the Nursing Home Industry

 "Across the United States, nursing homes are looking to get rid of unprofitable patients — primarily those who are poor and require extra care — and pouncing on minor outbursts to justify evicting them to emergency rooms or psychiatric hospitals." How long are we going to allow this predatory industry to get away with violating federal regulations and treating the sick and elderly as simply objects to squeeze cash out of? Congress can put an end to this with stiff and enforceable regulations or, even better, nationalization of the industry and having it run to benefit the people not the profit mongers. This should be a demand the Left makes as every bit as serious as medicare for all -- working people and others at the ends of their lives should not continue to be exploited by the very system that has lived off their exploitation while they were of working age and healthy.

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