Thursday, May 28, 2020

US Meddles in Hong Kong

As the Empire declines it lashes about but is really a paper tiger. The US must have forgotten that Hong Kong is a part of China and it is an internal Chinese affair how it is ultimately to be governed. “The United States and China appear to be on a collision course over the future of Hong Kong, a center of global capitalism and symbol of resistance to the Chinese Communist Party.”
It’s none of the US’s business, any more than the following would be China’s: “China and The United States appear to be on a collision course over the future of Puerto Rico, a center of global resistance to colonialism and symbol of resistance to the neglect and exploitation perpetrated by the US political system against the Puerto Rican people.”
The US is going out of its way to provoke China and to threaten the existence of the present world order by creating an international environment that could lead to an eventual military confrontation. Our military already bestrides the globe but seems impotent and unable to enforce its will anywhere (except tiny little countries with no real military — Panama and Grenada for example).
We learned nothing from the defeat in Vietnam and the American people can only suffer more tragedy from our belligerence towards the Chinese and attempts to meddle in their internal affairs. The present rogue government in Washington is a greater threat to us than any foreign power.

The State Department announcement comes as President Trump weighs hard measures against China, which is expected to approve a national security law on Hong Kong on Thursday.

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