Sunday, May 3, 2020

Renewables and Cars

Renewables and Cars

Perhaps one of the biggest illusions being circulated these days is the idea that electricity is a clean fuel. It is scientifically recognized that electricity is not itself a fuel source and needs to be generated (so the problem with storing it) somehow, and it is often generated by fossil fuel burning at a power station, so causing output of CO2 nasty stuff. Such facts are often left out of debates in the media. If you disagree, here is an example I found after only a quick look on the internet, written by Mike Pope:

 “The widespread availability of an alternative fuel, electricity, makes it certain that electric cars will be produced and used in ever increasing numbers, particularly for commuting in and around major urban areas. Electricity is far more efficient and very much cheaper to use than petrol or diesel, even at present prices.”

  Yes, the writer does later acknowledge that electricity needs to be generated, but the damage is already done, and the triumph of electricity is considered a fait accompli
  Now, don't get me wrong, electricity is wonderful stuff and Faraday is one of my great heroes, but the problem is not the electricity itself.
  While we are about it, we may as well also point out that the increased production of batteries needed for new electric kinds of transportation means an increase in the pollution already created by the battery industry, and producing electric cars is already more polluting than making the traditional internal combustion engine car.
  So, what can we do?
  One form of fuel that has recently been overshadowed by the great attention given to electric is biodiesel and especially straight vegetable oils. A few years ago, biofuels were thought to be the solution, and subsidies could be gotten for making them, then this changed, apparently due to a better ‘green’ awareness of what was involved in their production. I’m not totally convinced that it was not actually a clever fight back by the fossil fuel industry.
  Biodiesel is altered vegetable oil or vegetable oil that has been added to. The changes or additions are thought sometimes necessary to make the oil thinner and more useable in the typical diesel engine, although this depends on the type of diesel engine. Sometimes you will therefore see biodiesel offered for sale in percentages of veg oil plus fossil diesel mixtures, up to 100% vegetable.
  Note that because the term ‘biodiesel’ covers mixtures of fossil diesel with one or more of the many different kinds of vegetable oil that exist, which all have different properties, the use of the term even in the scientific literature is often ambiguous because we have no idea exactly what is being tested (palm, soya, rapeseed, peanut, sunflower, etc).
  Another of the notable anomalies that I have found in the scientific literature is that two opposed things are often stated as fact about using biodiesel and veg oil, one is that it is more corrosive to engine components, the other is that it has better lubricating properties so leads to increased engine life. I think it is only some already poorly designed components of the fuel system that can corrode in this case, and probably would corrode also if using petrol or normal diesel.
  The process of making biodiesel is not too complicated. There is also waste vegetable oil which can be used, this needs to be filtered, and can then go through the same processes to make biodiesel fuel if necessary. Some diesel vehicles can already run on pure vegetable oil or filtered waste vegetable oil without modification, but the information about which cars can, especially modern diesels, is not easy to come by unless they are special products designed specifically for this kind of fuel (old Mercedes seem a safe bet). But most diesel motors already have a capacity or need little changes to their engine’s fuel system to run on biodiesel, veg oil, or even filtered waste veg oil.
  Now, if this fuel were to be used in our existing diesels, the dramatic changes needed in industry (new tooling, factories, techniques, and so on), necessary to make electric vehicles, all of which will entail more CO2 output, would obviously not be needed.
But this is not happening, it seems clear that industry and the press are most favourable to electric vehicles as the main alternative. Why?
  Of course, the argument is that electricity is clean. This is because the electricity can be generated by renewable non-fossil fuel sources, such as hydro-electric, wind farms, solar arrays and so on. If we ignore the problem of increased battery production and its pollution for the moment, this is certainly true in theory, if renewable forms of energy production were destined to be the sole source of future transportation fuel. 
  But is it?
  Quite apart from the good or bad intentions of the people in the industry, it is a matter of whether the oil industry can perform this feat of dramatic turnaround, which seems highly unlikely due to its sheer inertia and the vast number of people who rely on it for their incomes. So, I suspect what is happening is that the most obvious source of fossil fuel use and pollution is merely being removed from sight by the introduction of electric vehicles.
  These vehicles will nevertheless mainly continue to run on fossil fuel produced in power stations, located outside of cities. And, furthermore, these power stations are likely to be more situated in areas and countries where people, for whatever reason, cannot complain so easily about pollution in their local environment, so poorer areas.
  In this shift to electric, there are arguments presented against the other ‘green’ alternative, biodiesel.
Mike Pope, in the same article quoted above, neatly encapsulates them for us:

“they are a half-way fuel of limited use by existing engines;
alternative, more efficient and cheaper fuel is available for vehicle propulsion;
most internal combustion engines are likely to be largely replaced within ten years;
biofuels produced in large quantities create market distortions and food scarcity; and
their production may damage the environment and habitat for flora and fauna.”

  The first three arguments are vague and take as fact what needs to be explained. The last two are the real arguments against biofuel, ones that have been repeated most often.
Now, the idea that the production of what might have been a food crop for fuel will mean less food for people relies upon an already discredited idea that food supply is limited, and that there is overpopulation, or too many people on the planet. It is a variant of the Malthusian argument.
In fact, we overproduce food and there is more than enough to feed everyone on the planet, the real problem with people going hungry is an economic one to do with capitalism, not a natural one, and it cannot be solved by making food endlessly more abundant and cheaper, it can only be solved socially, by political initiatives. Ultimately, it has nothing to do with crops grown for fuel.
  The final argument, because it is an extension of this one, can also be dealt with similarly. Yes, it may damage the habitat if we have more mass food production and what they call ‘monocultures’, but this is already a problem of our existing farming practices which need to be solved, whatever. Farming itself needs to become more sustainable.
  The invention of the diesel engine was from its inception something of a threat to the oil companies, precisely because the engine did not rely upon fossil sources since its fuel could be grown. Diesel originally demonstrated his engine running on peanut oil.
There are, however, other forms of fuel that are similarly carbon neutral, such as wood gas. Vehicles with wood powered pyrolytic converters were a standby in the US during times of war in case the oil supply dried up. It is also a carbon neutral fuel. You can see many people on YouTube using this technology successfully. Such technology, a bit heavy and clunky, could be modernized with high tech.
  There is also the possibility of using algae, etc.
  None of these are being mooted as possible alternatives to fossil fuel.
If you look at the history, the way new commodities along these lines are often sold is by suggesting they are somehow morally superior: cleaner, more efficient, cheaper and better for you and the environment. The old outmoded technology is often considered dirty, inefficient, expensive, and uncaring of the world we live in.
  Is this true? 
  You might think, on this basis, that the horse is pure evil, and the electric car is second only to Mother Theresa. But there is some truth in this. In old London there were once traffic jams of horse drawn carriages and there was a big problem with horse droppings. Horse shit, though, can make a good manure for growing plants, if there was the infrastructure in place to collect it, but apparently at the time there was not.
  At the other extreme, there is nuclear power. Nuclear fission can generate electricity of course, for all those electric cars with batteries, and such power stations can also be put in places out of sight.   But what of their particular ‘droppings’? The nuclear accidents that we have seen so far do not inspire confidence in this industry, and the waste it produces, unlike dung, is not great for growing stuff and lasts for many years as a source of deadly pollution. Unlike horseshit though, nuclear radiation, like the emissions of electric cars, is invisible and does not smell.
  With the common use of electric vehicles, the demand will be greater for electricity, and I suspect it is also likely to mean a need for more fossil fuel use to generate the extra capacity. Similarly, the more the climate suffers, the more demand there will be for electricity to power, for instance, air conditioning, and the more people are afraid of the consequences of climate heating, the more they will want to buy more robust vehicles such as the now very popular SUVs, that they perceive will be better able to deal with calamitous changes in the weather. And, of course, these heavier vehicles are more polluting.
  If by some miracle it does happen that fossil fuel use ends, and renewable sources become the only ones for energy, the only problem left for electric transportation is the battery problem.
  But this is a big problem.
  Currently this tends to be put off to the future. There is little infrastructure in place to recycle so many (as would be necessary) large old batteries. There is some talk of re-purposing them as household batteries after their vehicle life is over, which is possible, but are houses able to receive such banks of batteries, and safely? Most housing is old; many people live in flats. Will people even want to do this? And will they need to have them? Will we need banks of batteries in the cellar instead of coal? Where will they go in an apartment block? It would help if we could use them in conjunction with solar panels on the roof. But if it is possible and considered quite a good thing to be able to re-use batteries in this way, why is it not considered possible and good to re-use old vegetable oil from the food industry for diesel vehicles? If the latter is difficult, wouldn’t the same kind of problems arise for batteries? And won’t the battery producers want to make special household batteries to sell, so not want old car batteries in the home? And then there is the house insurers, how will they react to these potentially dangerous things in a domestic setting?

“The battery market is anticipated to be worth $100 billion by 2025. By 2040, batteries storing solar power for businesses and households will account for 57% of the world’s energy storage capacity.”

  The making and recycling or dispensing with batteries is the main concern. It is already a polluting industry. The mines that extract the stuff needed to make the newer batteries, such as graphite, pollute and spoil the environment, and besides:

“Batteries powering electric vehicles are forecast to make up 90% of the lithium-ion battery market by 2025. They are the main reason why electric vehicles can generate more carbon emissions over their lifecycle – from procurement of raw materials to manufacturing, use and recycling – than petrol or diesel cars.”

  A lot of its unsustainability is due to the extraction of the raw materials needed, plus the energy used in their manufacturing. But it is a dirty industry:

“As part of a soil cleanup planned for thousands of properties surrounding the closed Exide Technologies battery recycling plant in Vernon, state regulators detected lead outside Perez’s home at hazardous levels — above 1,000 parts per million. Nearly two years later, it hasn’t been cleaned.”

“Consider dust, fumes, wastewater and other environmental impacts from cobalt mining in the Democratic Republic of the Congo; water shortages and toxic spills from lithium mining in Latin America, which can alter ecosystems and hurt local communities; a heavily polluted river due to nickel mining in Russia; or air pollution in northeastern China”

  The problems described in the first quote, note, we already have with the recycling of traditional batteries, what happens when we have exponentially more of them, and more powerful ones, to deal with in the future?
  By the way, Union Carbide India Limited’s most profitable division in India made batteries, and it was an offshoot of it that made pesticides that led to the worst industrial accident in history. It may just be circumstantial that it involved batteries, but it is an indication of the problems with the chemicals industry that perhaps we should not expect to suddenly get better in terms of safety and pollution as we hugely increase production.
  But in any case, currently recycling, say, lithium, costs five times more than it costs to extract new material from the ground.
  Consider also that electric vehicles are, because of the battery banks, usually heavier than the equivalent petrol or diesel cars, and so need heavier, or more, materials, to make them, and to make them safe, and a heavier vehicle needs a bigger battery. Heavier vehicles also take a greater toll on the road network which leads to more energy needed for road repairs. There is also the problem of the energy needed to produce the new infrastructure to support the new networks of charging points needed.
  I suspect that this will not matter for a while, because only the wealthy will be able to afford to buy the new electric vehicles unless they are as powerful as golf carts, but in the long run it could be disastrous, because not only will we have nuclear waste, but also toxic waste from mining, pollution from battery production and recycling, and also climate heating.
  One of the hardest things to find out about in the scientific literature, I have found, is a good relevant study of the difference in exhaust emissions in commonly used diesel vehicles between standard fossil sourced diesel and good quality vegetable oil or 100% veg biodiesel. What can easily be found is papers such as ‘Biodiesel: how much pollution does it really produce?’, written for the EU, which only confuses the issue by admitting that the ‘surprising’ test that it refers to only used 20% vegetable oil, so it was mixed with and made up of mainly fossil diesel in any case, and was also not good quality fuel. We are inclined to ask why such poor-quality testing is being carried out or referred to in the first place. The suspicion is that something is being avoided or ignored.
  One of the generally accepted advantages of using vegetable oil as fuel for vehicles is the much lower CO2 emissions, which in terms of climate warming is a good thing (the latter article does not even mention this), but there are other air pollutants that fossil diesel produces, which have been heavily highlighted recently, that we would like to know if vegetable oils also produce.
Some literature suggests that using vegetable oil produces higher polluting emissions of NOx (Nitrous Oxide) while other carcinogenous substances as well as fine particles, just like fossil oil, are less. However, this also depends on the type of diesel engine. The essay ‘Biofuels explained: Biodiesel and the environment’ put out by the US Energy Information Administration, says:

“Biodiesel is nontoxic and biodegradable. Compared to petroleum diesel fuel, which is refined from crude oil, biodiesel combustion produces fewer air pollutants such as particulates, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, hydrocarbons, and air toxics. Nitrogen oxide emissions from burning a gallon of biodiesel may be slightly higher than emissions from burning a gallon of petroleum diesel.”

  Even with the latter proviso about NOx, which, note, is also ambiguous and I am not sure of its veracity, given that my findings seem to point to studies of higher NOx emissions only for heavy load diesel engines and not standard road going vehicles, which are the main concern, biodiesel seems better. And a more scientific university study found:

“Although nearly half the literature shows an increase in NOx as biodiesel increases, our results did not.”

  Notwithstanding, the USEA article says that the clearing ‘and burning’ of land to grow biofuel crops such as soybeans and palm oil trees might have a negative effect that may be greater than the benefits. Again, we see the ambiguous ‘may’ used.
What are the facts?
  In terms of CO2, because you are replacing one growing plant with another this will not negate the benefits in this respect. The CO2 used up in growing the plant balances out that produced when they are burned in diesel engines (there are other factors to consider, but this is still significant). The notion that you need to burn existing land with plants on it is an emotive way to frame the issue, the land used presumably need not be already used for food crops or be naturally valuable for any other crop. Indeed, there are crops suitable for producing biodiesel that can grow on poor hinterland and waste ground used for nothing else and which are ugly.
  Maybe we will have to accept that electric as used in trains and trams is better than millions of batteries driving around in individual cars. Perhaps Scalextric already gave us the answer years ago. Seriously, if there were some way main roads could be solarized and electrified cheaply so cars did not need batteries, or such big ones, this would be a good solution for supplying the electricity to vehicles, but I cannot see this happening in capitalism.

Gary Tedman

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