Friday, February 7, 2020

More US Lies to Justify War?

"These facts all point to the Islamic State, Iraqi officials say." The preponderance of the evidence presented in this article, while not 100% conclusive, indicates that it was the Sunni group ISIS not an Iraqi Shia militia that attacked the military base used by the US and set off the series of events that led to the assassination of the Iranian general that 'almost led to war.'" The impression left from this article is that the US went out of its way to blame Iran in order to justify its attacks on what it calls "Iranian targets" (mostly Iraqi Shia forces sympathetic to Iran and who are aided by Iran in its own war against ISIS). The least we can say about the murder of the Iranian general (Qasem Soleimani, whose actions were no different than those of American generals except he knew what he was doing so was more effective) is that the excuses given were not based on any solid evidence that Iran was behind this attack. If we had ended up in a war this would have been a repeat of the Tonkin Bay farce when the US contrived a fake North Vietnamese attack on the US Navy to justify attacking military and civilian targets in that country. It is further confirmation that we should never trust anything we are told by the US military or intelligence services regarding those who are fighting against and opposed to US imperialism unless they provide proof of their claims that are open to independent verification. In this case, as in most others, the US claims to have "proof" but can't make it public, and since it has a record of deceit and lying, this claim is practically an admission that they have no "proof" at all.

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