Wednesday, December 25, 2019

NY State, Gov. Cuomo, an the Right to Marriage

Well, the issue is even deeper. Trump judges often have strange racist and anti-humanist views and many no doubt would refuse to officiate at a gay wedding. Cuomo blocked all this class of judges not just those appointed by Trump, but by Obama, Bush, etc. The state must protect the rights of all its citizens and prohibit and punish racism and discrimination which deny equal civil rights to all. The state should revoke the rights of everyone currently empowered to perform legally recognized marriages and require a special license granted by the state to be obtained by individuals who wish to conduct weddings and only recognise marriages conducted by properly licensed individuals who must have obtained a license by signing an application containing a pledge or affirmation to conduct weddings without any discrimination against any group of people who are subject to the laws of the state  -- this includes gay couples, mixed race couples, undocumented couples, etc. The new law should become effective six months after enactment to enable all those currently allowed to perform weddings to submit their applications and become certified by the state. Religious bigots and others can still perform whatever ceremonies they wish but no marriages will be legally recognized unless performed by a certificated state sanctioned officiant. Anyone who refuses to conduct a marriage sanctioned by the state will have his license revoked and will no longer be able to perform legal marriages. [Enforcing Bill of Rights Socialism: the right to be married]

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