Monday, September 16, 2019

More US War Mongering

"The satellite photographs released on Sunday did not appear as clear cut as officials suggested, with some appearing to show damage on the western side of the facilities, not from the direction of Iran or Iraq." So, no clear evidence that Iran did it. The Houthis have every right to attack Saudi Arabia as the Saudis, with American aid and support, have been attacking Yemen for years. The fact Iran aids Shia movements is just the mirror image of Saudi Arabia's aid to Sunni movements. For the US to hold Iran responsible for the Houthis behavior and not to hold Saudi Arabia responsible for the support it gives Sunni groups, some of whom have attacked US forces, is typical of our two faced foreign policy of aggression masquerading as peaceful diplomacy. The same intelligence agencies that lied to us about Tonkin Bay, Iraq's WMDs, and Putin's so called interference in our elections is now producing not so "clear cut" evidence that these drone attacks had to come from the direction of Iran -- as if the Iranians would be stupid enough to launch attacks from their territory which could be traced back to them by satellite imaging.

The government released satellite images indicating, they said, that the strikes came from the direction of Iraq or Iran.

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