Thursday, July 4, 2019

Abolish ICE

There is no doubt that ICE should be abolished. The inhumane sadistic pleasure that its agents get in hunting down and deporting other human beings who fled to the US to escape the poverty and unlivable conditions that US policies have inflicted on Central and South Americans, the fact that they consider it "fun" to break up families and ruin the lives of others shows that there is something seriously wrong with an agency that not only recruits but breeds sociopaths to carry
 out its racist objectives. Congress, by the way, is responsible for enacting the laws that the Trumpstapo operates under so let Congress enact more humane and less brutal laws directed at undocumented people fleeing the consequences of our meddling and interference in their homelands. The ''fun and games of today" have already resulted in child concentration camps and imprisonment of asylum seekers and others seeking refuge. The Obama regime stepped up this persecution with the greatest mass deportations in our history and his successor Trump has worsened the situation with even more inhumane policies. Don't expect real change from the current Congress full of Republicans and a split Democratic Party between the progressives and establishment flunkies. We have to work for a progressive victory across the board in 2020 routing the ultra-right and purging as many establishment Democrats as possible replacing them with progressives. Defeating Trump is the number one priority, but it will be a Pyrrhic victory if the winner is Biden or one of the other establishment flunkies and we have not created a viable and sustainable progressive-left coalition able to challenge the ruling class in the future.
In 2017, agents made plans to apprehend more than 8,000 people and described the work as ‘fun’

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