Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Remembering Luxemburg and Liebnecht

"The German communist leaders were assassinated in 1919 as the Spartacist revolt was crushed by the “Freikorps,” a far-right grouping of demobbed German soldiers who had refused to give up their weapons after the German surrender in World War I, on the orders of Social Democrat Party leaders Friedrich Ebert and Gustav Noske." No wonder the Communist Party and the Social Democrats couldn't unite against Hitler -- when push came to shove the Social Democrats ordered the ultra-right to kill the Communist leaders. Not a good recommendation for coalition politics. Today the Social Democrats are pro-NATO and allies with US Imperialism and collaborate in the conservative anti-Socialist government of Angela Merkel.
Ben ChackoMonday, January 14, 2019 Berlin pays its respects to Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht × You can read 19 more articles this month Please help support the Morning Star by subscribing here by Ben Chackoin Berlin THOUSANDS marched through Berlin yesterday to pay their respects 100 years aft...

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