Sunday, December 30, 2018

The NYT: Objective Reporting or a Bit of a Whitewash?

The NYT is trying to look objective but this story is a bit of whitewash of the Israeli military. There is no balance between the two sides in the following quote: "To the Palestinians, she was an innocent martyr killed in cold blood, an example of Israel’s disregard for Palestinian life. To the Israelis, she was part of a violent protest aimed at destroying their country, to which lethal force is a legitimate response as a last resort." Here is why: 1. She was an innocent (an unarmed medic in a white coat); 2. She was murdered in cold blood (shooting at unarmed civilians is a war crime); 3. the protest was against the blockade of Gaza not for the destruction of Israel (fat chance of unarmed Palestinians taking on the Israeli military!); 4. Israel is using lethal force as a choice of first resort not as a last resort. 
Any fair reading of the article should convince you that the Israeli military does disregard Palestinian life (just as the US does by its wholehearted support of the Israeli policies of oppression, occupation and ethnic cleansing.) There is no threat to the existence of Israel and both Israel and a Palestinian state should be able to coexist in the Middle East and that will only happen when the UN and the world community force the US and the ultra-right Israeli government to agree to allow the Palestinians to be free -- unfortunately this doesn't look like it will happen anytime soon so this needless bloodshed will continue.


A Day, a Life: When a Medic Was Killed in Gaza, Was It an Accident? When an Israeli soldier killed Rouzan al-Najjar, Palestinians called her an innocent martyr and Israel portrayed her as a threat. The truth is more complicated.

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