Monday, December 17, 2018

Reeducation Camps in Xinjiang

Actually, we don't really know what is going on in Xinjiang and are basically only getting one side of the story -- the anti-Chinese Communist version. The Chinese have openly stated they are building a new kind of civilization different from the capitalist West and one based on Marxism with a heavy dose of traditional Chinese cultural values originating in Confucianism and one in which a collective consciousness is valued over the Western concepts of egotism and individualism and one not based on values due to religious beliefs which are seen as backwards and divisive. This new civilization, which seems progressive and valuable to the Chinese, appears threatening and distasteful to people in the West who have been conditioned to a different set of values, and especially distasteful to many Americans who think the values of our racially unjust, poverty infected and war addicted society reflect some sort of model that others should find attractive. With one of the largest prison populations in the world parts of which are used for slave labor under the guise of "rehabilitation," the negative comments of Americans addressed to the Chinese will likely fall on deaf ears.

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