Friday, November 9, 2018

We are all immigrants

So all of us here in the "Americas" have trekked from elsewhere -- can we all get along? It doesn't seem so since some of us want to wall ourselves off and disregard the common humanity we all share. Can we build a 1000 mile wall along land we stole from our Mexican neighbors less than 200 years ago and stop the history of populations moving about and immigration caused social disruptions and climate change? This isn't just ancient prehistory -- its the story of human life all over the Earth since our species appeared 200,000 or so years ago. We are not the only ones who want a wall to protect us from our fellow humans (i.e., from ourselves) -- but all walls eventually fall and only show us that we don't know what we are doing. Plato was right -- we should be ruled by the philosophers (the ones governed by science and logic, i.e, Marxists).
About this website
Three new genetic analyses lend detail, and mystery, to the migration of prehistoric humans throughout the Western Hemisphere.

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