Thursday, November 22, 2018

Leave the Sentinelese to Themselves

The Indian government is correct in protecting the Sentinelese people from the rest of us. It's "their" island [India) "owns" it according to the outside world]. Allowing these aboriginal people to live unmolested and in peace is an enlightened policy unlike most of the world where they are attacked and killed and driven off their native lands by "civilization" (Africa, Brazil, Central America, etc.). India isn't treating its mainland aboriginal people any different from the way Europeans usually treat non Europeans so this is a welcome exception. The Sentinelese will hopefully be left alone until capitalist induced climate change leads to their island sinking beneath the waves or we discover oil deposits.
About this website
John Allen Chau had ventured to North Sentinel in the Andaman Sea, where the local tribe has killed outsiders simply for setting foot on their shore.

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