Saturday, August 25, 2018

What the CIA "Knows" About Putin

So all the CIA, etc., knows about Putin comes from one or two informants who are "close" to him and have now "gone silent", and "American intelligence agencies have not been able to say precisely what are Mr. Putin’s intentions." In other words it's, as usual, just a lot of speculation designed to justify our rekindling the cold war. The State and Defense Departments are not left out of the CIA loop and presumably know which Russian diplomats are CIA informants and they would not be among those 60 expelled -- this part of the story was just put in as cover for them. We are also told that Putin wants to eliminate current US informants by poisoning retired ones by using a poison that points to him. He must be dumber than Trump. If Russia, with a mere pittance of the resources the US has, is able to stir up chaos over here just imagine what we are doing to Russia! And who are those "pro-Russian" politicians running for office in the midterms?
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The spy agency does not believe its Russia informants have been killed, but sources have gone largely dormant amid heightened scrutiny and rising threats.

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