Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Ready for Prime Time: Marx TV Show

Well, what the Chinese say about Marx and why the Soviet Union fell apart is all true. Every CP should be following the Chinese example in Marxist education. The NYT does add its own snide comments along the way but they can be ignored especially such stupidities as "The Chinese Communist Party these days rarely mentions class struggle, and has embraced markets since Deng Xiaoping’s era in the 1980s." "Rarely mentions class struggle"-- perhaps the NYT reporters should be reading The Communist Manifesto themselves! The "markets" the Chinese "embrace" are subject to state control and monitoring and are not "free" in the Western sense at all (subject to uncontrolled crisis and collapses as occurred in 2008). The only thing this show lacks is English subtitles and a spot for binge watching on Netflix.
About this article
A new program, part talk show, part indoctrination session, tries to coax millennials to put down their phones and pick up the works of Karl Marx.

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