Wednesday, January 17, 2018

US Beefs Up Nuclear Threats

Thomas Riggins
This article reveals a blueprint for future use of nuclear weapons by the US as it pursues its aggressive prowar foreign policy of intimidation and the stoking of military conflicts around the globe. The fact is that as long as the US invokes a "first strike" nuclear policy other nations will seek to defend themselves openly and covertly with nuclear weapons of their own. The justification dragged out, as usual, for US belligerence is the so-called "Russian threat" which the US must counter (although we can mutually destroy ourselves and the world many times over already.) The three major allegations are 1) we must counter worldwide (!) Russian aggressive actions ( yet every example of a Russian "aggression" is a Russian reaction to a previous US action initiated against Russian allies or interests -- the Russian bear reacted to being poked: 2) Russia has threatened our allies with nuclear weapons (this is just a US lie as it is the US threatening the use of nuclear weapons not the Russians --unless attacked): 3) a mythical super nuclear torpedo has been created by the Russians which we must counter (this mythical torpedo is much discussed by weapons experts as to whether it actually exists, would work, or would have any effect on the balance of power if it did exist. The US simply asserts it's real so it is as far as the NYT is concerned.) This is just another US hoax to cover up the spending of trillions of dollars for the war profiteers and their weapons industry and reveals that the US system is the greatest threat to humanity since the deity told Noah to build his ark.

President Trump has not yet approved a draft strategy that would expand “extreme circumstances” for nuclear retaliation to include a crippling cyberattack.

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