Saturday, January 27, 2018

Thoughts on Angela Davis's Birthday

The fact that the state tried to destroy Angela Davis and was unable to do because of the fight back by the people to defend her and that it was constrained by the jury system incorporated in the legal system created as a check on executive power is a reminder that our bourgeois democracy is not a fascist system and it is worth preserving in the fight for socialism which must both replace it and preserve what is rational within it. This is why the fight against Trump is crucial as the forces behind him want to destroy the democratic residue that remains in the system and which can still be marshaled to thwart their attempts to completely subvert all three branches of government to their ends and purposes. The Republican Party's attempt to get absolute control of all three branches of government  and impose an authoritarian right-wing one-party state is due to the oligarchy's realization that both climate change and future economic chaos will spawn a mass people's movement that will threaten their control of the state by means of the present two-party good cop bad cop system of only providing the lesser of two evils choices. The only way to prevent this is for the popular forces to penetrate and take over the Democratic Party or destroy it and build a new mass popular people's party on its remains. This is why the fight against the HRC-Obama wing of the party, defacto allies of the same forces behind the scenes which presently back Trump but would prefer a more manageable Republican leader or a corporate Democrat running the country for them, must be fought tooth and nail. The only question is whether this internecine battle is to commence before or after the 1920 general election  -- i.e., is it a prerequisite for defeating the Republican one-party state or is a united Democratic Party victory even under corporate control a prerequisite for the reform of, or replacement of, the Democratic Party and the elimination of the corporate Democrats and the creation of a new majority mass progressive people's party.

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