Thursday, October 28, 2010

Check out the new

Welcome to the new A fresh look and easier to use tools will make our presentation of working class ideas, culture and politics exciting every day.

There are four basic sections on this site.

  1. Each month we will present in our "Features" section the monthly issue, which includes articles and other content that represent the core theoretical mission of this online publication. 
  2. The "What's New" section are the latest updates and analysis on major events, cultural happenings, and other issues of the day. 
  3. The "Editors' Blog" section hosts the ramblings and opinions of PA editors and friends.
  4. And, fourth, the "Podcast" section will feature the latest audio recordings of interviews with activists and others.

In the near future, readers will be able to use and share educational tools in various multimedia formats. So look for that content soon.

As a reader, you will be able to share your favorite content with your friends and social networks through the "share" function on each page. You will be able to post your comments on each article and blog post.

You can stay connected with by joining our e-mail list by clicking the "receive our newsletter" link on the home page, or by finding us on Facebook or Twitter. We want to hear from you and join with you to build an activist community online.

E-mail us with article submissions or story ideas at

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Please note: This blog contains the personal opinions, views, thoughts, and ramblings of editors of Political Affairs magazine and friends and should not be interpreted as the official political or editorial views of the publication or its publisher. Please, avoid abusive, hateful, racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semitic, xenophobic, anti-working class language in your comments. Otherwise, your comment will be deleted.