Focus on demanding that the Georgia Attorney General's Office to conduct and INDEPENDENT investigation into the allegations of police and prosecutorial misconduct in Troy’s case.
See the letter you can mail or fax to the AG's office: 2Fphotos%2F26770559%40N08% 2F2880917131%2Fsizes%2Fl%2F
See the YouTube video. < php?u= >2Fwatch%3Fv%3DQJz5IR7vqJY
As a reminder, here's how to reach out to the AG:
Thurber Baker
Office of the Attorney General
40 Capitol Square, SW
Atlanta, Ga 30334
Phone: (404) 656-3300
Fax: (404) 657-8733
Thank you again for all you've done!

The opinions, views, thoughts, and ramblings of editors of – and other stuff worth reading or viewing.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Ask Georgia Attorney General to Investigate Troy Davis's Case
From the National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty: