Thursday, July 3, 2008


Thomas Riggins,
Book Review Editor

PA has a backlog of good books we need to review so we are asking for volunteers. We will send you the book and you will send us an 800 word review within a couple of months. This is a great way to get new books and sharpen your critical skills. Depending on need your review will appear in the print edition of PA, the on-line PA or the editor's blog. No matter where, you will be doing us and yourself a favor. The following 5 books are available now-- please contact me at

1. David and Winston: How the Friendship Between Churchill and Lloyd George Changed the course of History-- Robert Lloyd George.

2. The Reality of Aid 2006: An Independent Review of Poverty Reduction and Development Assistance-- International Management Committee

3. Turkey and the European Union: Prospects for a Difficult Encounter-- Esra LaGro, ed.

4. Dark Days in the Newsroom: McCarthyism Aimed at the Press-- Edward Alwood

5. A History of Nigeria-- Toyin Falola and Matthew M. Heaton

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