Now, before any irreversible steps are taken, is the time for us to speak out against any U.S./Israeli military attack on Iran.
We urge you to take part in this important effort:1) On Monday, July 21st, join the nationwide call-in day to make sure your member of Congress knows there is strong opposition to military action against Iran in his or her district.
Pressure on Congress is critical right now as it considers H.Con.Res. 362. 102 House Democrats and 117 Republicans have cosponsored a resolution against Iran that demands President Bush "initiate an international effort" to impose a land, sea, and air blockade on Iran to prevent it from importing gasoline and to inspect all cargo entering or leaving Iran. Imposing such a blockade without UN authority could be widely construed as an act of war.
We have already heard about 2 representatives who were convinced by their local anti-war groups to remove their names as co-sponsors of this dangerous resolution! Click here to read more about the work of one of these groups.
2) Ask your mayor to sign on to a resolution urging the Bush administration to pursue diplomatic engagement with Iran. At least 36 mayors have already signed on -- now is the time to approach your mayor! For more information visit the Cities for Peace website.
3) Write letters to the editor of your local papers and to call into local radio talk shows, especially during the July 19- 21 Days of Action. Click here for a sample letter.
4) Sign the open letter to presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama urging him to stand up for diplomacy.
5) You can organize a visible presence in a busy location in your town: a vigil, an afternoon of leafleting or tabling, a human billboard, etc. Be sure to pick a time and location that has a lot of pedestrian or vehicle traffic!

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Thursday, July 17, 2008
Speak out against war on Iran
From United for Peace and Justice: