Tuesday, June 3, 2008

UNITE HERE Local 23-25 and Local 6 Members Raise Funds for Earthquake Victims in China

From UniteHere.org:

Local 23-25 and Local 6 Members Join Forces to Raise Funds for Earthquake Victims In China

In response to last month’s devastating earthquake in Sichuan, China, Local 23-25, which represents a large membership of Chinese immigrant garment workers, commenced its fundraising efforts on May 16, 2008 at a joint activity with the hotel workers from Local 6 UNITE HERE. Since then, $16,000 has been collected from union members, retirees, and apparel industry employers and donated to the American Red Cross, which is collaborating with the Red Cross in Sichuan and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies to provide foreign aid in Sichuan. The fundraising campaign will continue throughout coming weeks.

Let us reflect on the devastation that the earth quake has brought to the people of Sichuan and make an effort to help. If you would like to participate, please contact May Chen at may@unitehere.org or Lana Cheung at lcheung@unitehere.org or call them at (212) 929-2600 to make a donation.

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