Saturday, June 7, 2008

Help Stop Virginia's 100th Execution

From the National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty:

Percy Walton is scheduled to be killed by the people of Virginia at 9pm on June 10, 2008 for his murders of Jessie Kendrick, Elizabeth Kendrick and Archie Moore. Background information highlighting Percy Walton's severe mental illness is below.

At a time when much of the country is turning away from the death penalty, Virginia has four executions scheduled in the coming months. Second only to Texas in the number of prisoners killed since 1977, next week's scheduled killing of Percy Walton could be Virginia's 100th execution. Please take a few minutes right now to say "Enough!" and help stop this execution.

Contact Gov. Tim Kaine RIGHT NOW by telephone and/or fax and politely ask him to grant clemency (show mercy) to Percy Walton by commuting his death sentence to life without the possibility of parole. If you live in Virginia, be sure to start by stating your name and the place where you live.

Gov. Tim Kaine
Phone: (804) 786-2211
Fax: (804) 371-6351

Learn more about Percy Walton here.

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