Monday, June 9, 2008

C-SPAN Discussion of HR 676 Tuesday Night

John Conyers and other Members of Congress will take to the floor of the House of Representatives Tuesday evening, June 10, to lead a discussion of HR 676, single payer healthcare legislation. HR 676 now has 90 co-sponsors in the House, more than any other health care bill.

Conyers has reserved the time under House Rules known as “Special Orders.” Special Orders provide the opportunity for discussion on a specific topic to occur after the last floor vote of the day. Other congressional representatives who will participate in the discussion are Emanuel Cleaver (MO), Nancy Boyda (KS), Sheila Jackson-Lee (TX) and Diane Watson (CA).

The TUESDAY, June 10, session will be covered on C-SPAN, beginning at approximately 9:00 p.m. eastern standard time (EST).

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