Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Wojcik’s Guide to Super Tuesday TV Watching

By John Wojcik, labor editor, People's Weekly World

All times listed below are Central Time

For the Democratic Primary elections:

6 p.m. The polls close in Georgia. Obama MUST be declared the victor here right after the polls close if he is to have a good night. If not, it spells trouble for his campaign.

7 p.m. Alabama, Illinois both close. Obama must be declared the early victor in these by big margins if he is to have a good night. Delaware closes. A victory here will mean he is having a good night.

Also at 7 p.m. Connecticut, Massachusetts, Missouri and New Jersey close. If it is too close to call in any of these four states, that is very good news for Obama.

Also at 7 p.m. Oklahoma and Tennessee close. These should immediately be called for Hillary. If not, she is in big trouble.

7:30 p.m. Arkansas closes. This must immediately be called for Hillary, otherwise she's sunk.

8 p.m. Three caucus states close. Minnesota and North Dakota will get called late but should go to Obama. If they get called early for him that is good for him. If Hillary wins either of them that is bad for him. Same is true of New Mexico.

Arizona and New York also close. 40 percent in New York is a win for Obama because he then could get more than half the delegates and Clinton will not look good in her home state. If Hillary doesn't win Arizona, that's bad for her.

9 p.m. Utah closes. Obama could win. Colorado closes, Obama should win. Kansas closes. He should win.

10 p.m. California closes and Clinton will need a big win which she will not get.

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this, John. I'm going to print out a miniature version and tape it to the back of my remote.


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