Monday, February 4, 2008

Will Super Tuesday Match Landslide Results of Primary Season?

Aside from the historic character of the two front-running Democratic candidates, the biggest story of this primary season so far has been huge participation by voters who want to change the course of the country and put their fingerprint on this election.

IOWA - 236,000 - almost double the previous high – 90% higher than in 2004.

NEW HAMPSHIRE - 288,000 - 31% higher than in 2004 – almost 30% of all eligible voters participated in the Democratic primary. 57% women voters in the Democratic primary.

NEVADA - 118,000, an astounding caucus turnout - 57% higher than that of any past caucus.

SOUTH CAROLINA - 523,000 - 78% higher than the 2004 turnout. Almost 300,000 African Americans went to the polls. 61% women voters in the Democratic primary.

FLORIDA (though it didn't count) - 1,700,000 - 31% above the previous high set in 1976.

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