Wednesday, February 20, 2008

[Update] Teamsters Back Barack Obama

The 1.4 million member Teamsters Union today announced it would endorse Barack Obama for president.

This is the fourth Change to Win Federation member to back Obama. SEIU, UFCW, UNITE HERE are the others. Obama has also been endorsed by the Transport Workers and the Plumbers and Pipe Fitters (AFL-CIO). Altogether, these unions have between 5 and 6 million members.

Obama still lags in labor support behind Sen. Clinton who has won the backing of 12 unions with about 6 million members in total, including AFSCME, AFT, and the Machinists. The Farm Workers, affiliated with Change to Win, endorsed Clinton also.

The Carpenters, the Steel Workers, and the Mine Workers endorsed Edwards. None of these union have indicated new endorsements since Edwards suspended his campaign.

[Update] The Baltimore Sun reports the Boilermakers have also endorsed Obama.

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