Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Missouri rain may keep voters away

By Terrie Albano, editor, People's Weekly World

Just spoke to our correspondent, Tony Pecinovsky in St. Louis. He’s been up since 6:00 a.m. driving around to at least 20 different polling locations. Pecinovsky is working with 30-40 other people on a voter education campaign. Called WECAN - Working to Empower Community Action Now – the volunteers are letting voters know about the deception behind the so-called Missouri Civil Rights Initiative. Signature gatherers are standing outside of voting places around the city asking voters to sign for “equality now” when the initiative would in effect gut civil rights and affirmative action, Pecinvosky said. So WECAN volunteers stand by the voters and let them know the real deal and urging them to “decline to sign.”

It’s been raining but there’s been a steady trickling in of voters. Not overwhelming, the weather seems to have kept people away so far.

Tony says, “Everwhere I’ve gone I’ve seen Obama yard signs. Their street team has been really effective getting their message out. Haven’t seen any Clinton signs. The SEIU district council here has been working on get out the vote, phone calls, vans and they are backing Obama. Coalition of Black Trade Unionists members are working in their home precincts on voter turn out in support of Obama in N. St. Louis.”

Then Norman Markowitz just called from New Jersey – another Super Tuesday state. Norman has been conducting his own informal exit polls. He talked to an economist who just got through voting who supports Hillary Clinton. The voter said Clinton has more detailed plans. “Clinton is talking prose and poetry and Obama is talking only poetry.”

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1 comment:

  1. There's a winter storm warning for northern Missouri. Rural voters might have a harder time voting because there may be ice on the roads as it gets colder tonight. Not sure what effect this could have. Edwards had a lot of support from Missouri farmers, but I'm not sure how his vote was split.


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