Thursday, February 21, 2008

[Update] Change to Win Endorses Obama

The Change to Win federation of unions announced today its endorsement of Barack Obama. Change to Win is composed of 7 unions; two-thirds, or 5 are needed to make an endorsement. Teamsters, SEIU, UNITE HERE, UFCW had already separately endorsed Barack Obama.

According to a press release from the Laborers, they abstained from voting on endorsement in order to give their members a chance to respond to a survey announced last week, rather than jump the gun.

The Carpenters originally had endorsed John Edwards, and the Farmworkers backed Clinton.


Change to Win Chair Anna Burger said:

“For workers, this election is about changing America to win a better future for our children. Sen. Obama not only shares our vision and dream, he is uniting Americans in building a movement for change that will have the power to turn that dream into reality.

“He will fight to protect the right of workers to have a voice on the job, guarantee quality affordable health care, create good jobs through rebuilding and expanding our nation’s infrastructure, and fight for fair trade policies to promote job growth,” continued Burger.

“Sen. Obama is building an election coalition that will bring the change this country needs to restore the American Dream for America’s workers. We believe we can make a difference in helping build this new movement. With our six million members, Change to Win unions will play an important role in making sure Barack Obama is the next president of the United States. Our members are active, involved and determined to make a difference.”

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