Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Film Review: Doc

by Eric Green

Film Review: Doc, A film by Immy Humes

Major literary and public figures lent their names and appeared in this film, Doc, but the main message and value of this film is truly a family message. Here is a heartfelt film by the daughters and other related people who are associated with H. L. Humes.

I had not heard of Humes before this film, but I did live through his period of high visibility, i.e., the '60s through the '90s. Humes was very involved in the campaign to legalize marijuana; and, also with LSD and Tim Leary.

Paul Auster, Norman Mailer, George Plimpton and William Styron are featured along with Timothy Leary.

The actual filming by Doc's daughter Immy was clearly done over a long period of time. As readers know, Mailer, Leary and Plimpton are both dead.

Humes' literary credentials are very impressive. He helped found the prestigious Paris Review and was Norman Mailer's, a major writer, campaign manager in his run for the Mayor of NYC in 1960.

The journey that Immy Humes takes viewers through is not an easy one to fully comprehend and at times even watch. Humes was clearly a brilliant intellectual whose range of interests was boundless. He was an inventor and a self styled philosopher to college age kids for over 20 years. He spent those 20 years with youthful academics in Harvard, MIT and other prestigious universities. But, along side his brilliance was severe mental health problems.

If this film comes to your hometown, see it. The advance publicity may be a turn off, but the family discussions and Humes himself is very moving and a must see.

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