Monday, October 1, 2007

Labor History Play at CUNY--A One Man Play About Harry Bridges

To the PA editors' blog readers,

Harry Bridges was a great figure in American labor history. He is one of many who deserve to have dramatizations of his life, a very exciting life which even many who did not share his larger commitments to
socialism and close involvement over decades with the CPUSA would find both entertaining and educational. Although I don't know this play or the actor, I do know the Institute and I an confident that it will be very rich and rewarding evening.

Norman Markowitz

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Labor History Play at CUNY
Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2007 16:27:45 -0400

The Murphy Institute for Labor, Community, and Policy Studies

is pleased to present

A Very Special Labor History Event

*â??From Wharf Rats to Lords of the Docksâ?*

A one man play about Harry Bridges, founder of the ILWU (International Longshore and Warehouse Union), and the San Francisco General Strike of 1934.

The play includes excerpts from Bridgesâ?? rallying speeches, his electrifying testimony at his deportation hearings, and music and video documentation of the actual events.

Featuring Ian Ruskin,
The Harry Bridges Project

7:00 pm

*Thanks to a grant from City Works Foundation we are able to offer a reduced admissions fee of $10. Cash and checks are accepted at the door.*

The Murphy Institute for Labor, Community, and Policy Studies, CUNY 25 West 43^rd Street, 18^th floor
New York, New York

*RSVP to Eloiza Morales at (212) 642-2029*

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