Tuesday, September 18, 2007

New Cholera Cases in Northern Iraq, says Health Ministry

The number of suspected cholera cases in northern Iraq continues to rise, but the outbreak has so far been limited to three provinces, a Health Ministry official said on 15 September.

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Additional Coverage:

Political Affairs Radio #36 - Bush and Congress Prepare to Battle Over Iraq

Ahead of the infamous Petraeus report, General James Jones reports to Congress and urges a reduction of the US "footprint" in Iraq; US leaders react to the Osama Bin Laden tape; Senators investigate the Crandall Canyon Mining collapse; and we talk with scholar Vijay Prashad about his recent book The Darker Nations.

Political Affairs Radio #29 - Ending the Iraq War

Discussion with PA science editor and peace activist Prasad Venugopal about recent developments in the struggle to end the war.

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