Thursday, September 27, 2007

Moe Fishman Memorial

To PA online readers,

I am forwarding this memorial tribute to Moe Fishman whose life of struggle for labor, peace and social justice is I am sure known to many of our readers. I plan to be there and I hope as many of our readers who can make it will make it.

Norman Markowitz

Moe Fishman Presente! Join us to honor the life and enduring contribution of Moe Fishman, the voice of the Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade. Music, speakers, memories, inspiration, and refreshments. All are
invited. Feel free to bring copies of memorabilia, photographs, letters, poetry, to add to a timeline banner of Moe's life.

Saturday, November 10, 10:30 am.
Judson Memorial Church
55 Washington Square South
NY, NY 10012
Accessible entrance on Thompson Street.

Info: 212 989 8624

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