Thursday, June 21, 2007

New Bill Promotes Trade with Cuba

A new Cuba bill is being introduced today by Rep. Charles Rangel (D-NY) and Rep. Jo Ann Emerson (R-MO). According to the Latin America Working Group, this bill titled, "Promoting American Agricultural and Medical Exports to Cuba Act of 2007," will:

1) Lift the travel ban
2) Remove pre-payment requirement for agriculture exports to Cuba
3) Allow for direct banking from Cuba in relation to payments from agricultural sales
4) Provide visas to Cubans whose intent is to inspect and/or purchase agricultural goods
5) Eliminate onsite verification requirement applied to medicine and medical devise exports
6) Repeal of Section 211
7) Support of an Agricultural Export Promotion Program with respect to Cuba administered by U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Ask your representative to co-sponosr this bill.

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